This One’s for the LADIES!!

Hey y’all!

So, I’ve said this before, but let me just give you a disclaimer. I am not the most politically educated person. But I am a human being with a heart, a mind and sense of right and wrong. Not only that, I have a lot of feelings. And lately, all I’ve been feeling is a lot of anger.

It’s been hard to ignore that the past few days, being a woman in this country feels kinda crappy. Sorry Excuse for a Human, Donald Trump was in serious trouble after audio from 2005 was released that included him making some heinous comments about women. (Honestly, I can’t quite bring myself to write it in this article, but if you haven’t heard the story by now, go do some research.) Obviously, I was horrified after hearing these comments. I think what makes me angry is that this probably isn’t even the worst thing to come out of his mouth. We’ve seen him say awful things about Former Miss Universe, Alicia Michado. We’ve heard stories of him walking into the dressing room of Miss Teen USA, uninvited. He’s told female journalists that the only reason they have their job is because they are attractive.

Hearing these things infuriates me to a point that I am unable to describe. What kills me more than anything is that there are people out there who truly believe that this hateful, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, idiotic man is the best choice to lead our country. Even worse than that? There are still women who support him.

I’ve tried to fully understand the logic behind it, and I jusr can’t. The only thing they know how to do is say something negative about Hillary. When asked to defend Trump, they never really say anything positive about him. Seeing things like #Repealthe19th genuinely makes me sick.  To the women voting for him, I’m so sorry for all of the self-hatred that you carry. I genuinely feel sorry for you that you can’t see your own worth and realize that you should fight for your own rights. I’m sorry that you don’t wanna realize the power that you have. I pray one day that you see your worth.

This brings me to a major point.

YALL. WE HAVE THE FIRST FEMALE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. THIS IS SUCH A BIG DEAL. When I was a little girl, I would have never even dreamed that I could be president. It fills my heart with joy to see little girls today have the opportunity to know that they can do whatever they want to do. Including being President of these United States.

Obviously, as you can tell, this blog endorses Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton for President. She’s severely overqualified and the fact that people are even questioning the terrible second choice is a little insulting. Trump’s supporters only seem to carry the hatred of her around, rather than what’s so “great” about their candidate. As a Hillary supporter myself, I’m willing to see the flaws in her, but also acknowledge the great things she will go on to do for our country. Hillary sees this country is already great and knows how to make it even better. America will be a better place once Trump’s hateful rhetoric will be far away from the eyes and ears of this country.

While I’m thinking about it, let’s address a separate subject. Let’s talk about what the real definition of feminism is, shall we? 57968-10418588-feminist_definition_jpeg

That’s it. Does it say anything in there about burning bras? Growing out body hair? Man hating? NOPE. By this definition, if you are a human with a mind and a heart, you should be a feminist. So, I don’t wanna see anymore articles titled “I’m a Woman, but I’m not a Feminist and That’s Ok.” Glad we got that settled.

Like I said, I know it’s been kind of hard to be a woman in this country. But please don’t lose sight of how awesome it is to be a woman right now, and the fact that we are extremely close to having our first female president. We have the power to vote for representation in the white house. If you’re a lady reading this- Hey. You’re a badass. Please don’t forget how awesome you are. You carry a lot of power. You are just as good as anybody else. Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t ever feel less than you are.


All the love,

Court. ❤

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